Bringing You News about History in July

A grim view of London in the eighteenth century, a magnet for country folk seeking higher wages. By Bernard Bailyn, on

“The History of the Moon Landing: Everything You Need to Know,” told by the BBC’s History Extra.

CNN on Bastille Day: “Bastille day is so much more than a national holiday — it fostered a culture of civil disobedience in France that inspired countless revolts, uprising, and demonstrations for centuries afterward.”

Steve Beller discusses the history of anti-Semitism among political leftists. In History Today.

A summer theater highlight: the story of Alan Freed, the 1950s DJ who invented the term “rock and roll.” Reviewed by  Bruce Chadwick for the History News Network.

Are analogies to the Holocaust appropriate? No, says the Holocaust Museum. Yes, say 600 scholars. In the Chronicle of Higher Education.

Does the  Declaration of Independence include God? And if so, whose idea of God? Paul Seaton deliberates the question on Law and Liberty.

How John Locke influenced the Declaration of Independence. By Brenée Goforth on the John Locke Foundation site.

See “More about What’s Happening with History and Historians” in the righthand column of this page.